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2019-10-17 来源:未知 我要投搞

The highest level and highest authority in the world

What are the awards?

Source: UN Wibdc Commission, UN ngo Executive Committee:

As far as the world is concerned, various awards are flying all over the world! There are various awards in the geopolitical and geo-economic contexts of the countries, as well as awards from all walks of life for economic benefits! Basically non-global or non-public Sex Awards! Worldwide, without political inclinations, no economic interest destination awards are the universally recognized and authoritative awards of the world! In summary, the following awards are mainly:





The four most recognized and influential authority awards recognized worldwide are as follows:

First, the highest award of the Science Session is the Nobel Prize;

Second, the highest awards of the brand will be the World International Brand Conference Award and the World Trade Association Awards;

Third, the highest awards for the sports session are the Olympic Games Awards and individual World Cup awards;

Fourth, the highest honor in the performing arts industry is the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Award (Oscar Academy Award).

In addition, there are the following individual awards:

1. The highest award in the mathematics world is the Fields Medal;

Second, the highest award in the computer industry is the Turing Award;

3. The highest honor award in the international medical nursing community is the Nightingale Award;

4. The highest award in the press is the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism;

5. The highest award in the construction industry is the Pritzker Prize.

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